Fancy making some bogey-licious treats? Well look no further! Just remember, these bogey balls are NOT for throwing!
You will need:
Rice crispy cereal
Mini marshmallows
Liquid food colouring (green, or yellow and blue)
1 saucepan
1 wooden spoon
1 tablespoon (tbsp)
1 grown-up assistant
What to do:
- Wash your hands with bubbly soap and water. We don’t want any real bogies in this recipe!
- Scoop out 1 tablespoon of butter and put it in a saucepan.
- Ask your grown-up to melt the butter over a gentle heat.
- Carefully add 3 cups of mini marshmallows to the pan and ask your grown-up to stir them until they go gooey and melt.
- Ask your grown-up to take the pan off the heat. DON’T touch the pan! It will be SUPER hot!
- Add your colouring. You can add green colouring, OR you can mix yellow and blue colouring and see what colour that makes!
- Carefully add 3 cups of rice crispy cereal to the pan and give it a good mix with your spoon. You may need your SUPER strength here!
- Leave the mixture to cool-down until it is cool enough to touch (your grown-up can check).
- Things are about to get SUPER messy! Scoop some of the mixture (either with your hands or a spoon) and use your hands to roll it into a bogey ball! You can decide how big or how small your bogey balls will be!
- Leave your balls to set.
- Enjoy!